Wednesday 31 August 2016

Chalk drawings

We completed chalk drawings in the courtyard this morning, all the children decided to draw something different and we used our local environment for useful ideas.  We are really enjoying these long sunny days, lets hope they continue.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Hockey in PE

This morning we had great fun playing hockey during PE.  We were learning how to hold the stick correctly and dribble around the cones with the soft ball.

Monday 29 August 2016

Sensory water tray

Last week the children really enjoyed exploring a range of sensory experiences in the water tray. They enjoyed experimenting with crepe paper to see the different colour changes that took place when the special paper was placed in the water.  

Ben and David digging deep in our sensory water tray.

David really enjoyed exploring what creatures could float and sink and enjoyed the different textures in the water. 

We all worked together and shared the water creatures during our play.

Ben, Reuben and David enjoyed using a range of water creatures during their sensory water play.